Saturday, May 1, 2010

My First Sony

This is the first custom piece I did in Paris.  It is a wall mounted box closet for Imelda and Francesca, two wonderful people.  When I made this, I tested and proved to myself that in small apartments, big furniture feels significantly less imposing if you lift it off the ground.  I have since mounted a few more things to the walls of Parisian apartments (coming soon to this blog).  This room also houses a couple pieces by Nathaniel Russell.  Good company, all around.


nathaniel russell said...

rad handle notches, dude.

ARD said...

thanks. they're modeled after something.

lavender cowboy said...

it's time you come take another picture of that last drawing by nat... it's no longer next to my desktop but right above the crib... hopefully t. will grow up with a taste for good art.